After Server Divorce Letter, Man Kill His wife After 8yrs Of Marriage

In Zambia, a 43-year-old man named Victor Sungababwa hacked his estranged wife to death with an axe, ending a marriage that lasted more than eight years.
Police representative, Rae Hamoonga, who affirmed the occurrence in an explanation on Monday, August 28, 2023, said the departed, Atrina Munsaka, 33, passed on immediately after she was a*ed on the head as she was giving the suspect a separation summons.
Shortly after killing his wife, the suspect attempted suicide by taking a poisonous substance. However, he was rushed to a hospital, where he is currently receiving treatment under police guard.
As per Hamoonga, the mishap happened between 05:00 hours and 06:45 hours on Sunday, August 27, at Mayobo's Siakaceka town in boss Macha of Choma locale.
He said one Esen Kanimba, an individual from the local area wrongdoing counteraction unit (CCPU) revealed through a call that Atrina, a housewife of Siamalele town in boss Siachitema in Kalomo Region was hacked out on the head by the spouse, Victor Sungababwa, 43, of Siakacheka Town Boss Macha in Choma.
The deceased was the accused's second wife. Mr. Hamoonga stated that although they were married in 2013, they had been having marital disagreements since 2015.
It's accounted for that the departed sought legal separation under the watchful eye of Bbilili nearby court and a conference was coming up on September 9, 2023.
"On August 26, 2023, the departed endeavored to serve summons to the charged, yet he rejected. According to a police spokesperson, "the accused called the reporter to go and witness the serving of the summons on August 27,2023, around 5:00 hours."
"During the course of the departed serving the request, the charged went inside the house and returned with a hatchet which he was concealing on his back and the second he came to where the departed was he delivered it and hacked the departed in the head making her support an extremely profound cut in the head and she passed on in a flash,"

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