
History plays a crucial role in shaping the political systems of nations, and Nigeria is no exception. The history of Nigeria has had a profound impact on its political development, influencing its governance structures, political ideologies, and the relationships between different ethnic and social groups. This article delves into the effect of history on Nigeria's political system, examining key historical events, movements, and socio-cultural factors that have shaped the country's political landscape.

Colonial Legacy and Political Structures:

One of the most significant influences on Nigeria's political system is its colonial history. Nigeria was under British colonial rule from the late 19th century until it gained independence in 1960. The colonial administration established a centralized system of governance, concentrating power in the hands of British officials and marginalizing indigenous political institutions.

The impact of colonialism can still be seen in Nigeria's political structures. The country adopted a federal system of government, balancing power between the central government and regional entities, reflecting the diverse ethnic and cultural composition of the nation. However, the central government has often faced challenges in maintaining a delicate balance of power, leading to tensions and occasional conflicts between different regions.

Ethnic Diversity and Political Identity:

Nigeria is a multi-ethnic country with over 250 distinct ethnic groups, each with its own cultural heritage, languages, and historical backgrounds. The diverse ethnic makeup has had a significant influence on the country's political dynamics. Historically, ethnic identity and allegiances have played a prominent role in Nigerian politics, shaping political alliances, voting patterns, and the distribution of power.

The legacy of ethnic politics has had both positive and negative effects on Nigeria's political system. On one hand, it has led to the recognition and promotion of minority rights, ensuring representation and a voice for marginalized groups. On the other hand, ethnic politics has also fueled inter-ethnic rivalries, competition for resources, and even violent conflicts, hindering national unity and development.

Military Rule and Democratization:

Nigeria has experienced periods of military rule interspersed with brief periods of civilian democratic governance. The influence of the military on Nigeria's political system cannot be underestimated. The country witnessed a series of military coups and dictatorships, with the military intervening in politics and suspending democratic processes for several decades.

The impact of military rule on Nigeria's political system has been mixed. While military regimes brought stability in some instances, they also stifled democratic institutions, curtailed civil liberties, and undermined the rule of law. The struggle for democracy and the resilience of civil society played a crucial role in eventually restoring democratic governance in Nigeria in 1999.

Resource Curse and Political Economy:

Nigeria is blessed with abundant natural resources, particularly oil. However, the mismanagement and corruption associated with the exploitation of these resources have had a profound impact on the country's political system. The phenomenon known as the "resource curse" has affected Nigeria, leading to economic inequality, weak institutions, and pervasive corruption.

The concentration of wealth from oil revenues in the hands of a few has created a system of patronage and rent-seeking, where political power is often seen as a means to access resources and accumulate wealth. This has undermined accountability, hindered development, and contributed to social and economic inequalities.


The effect of history on Nigeria's political system is undeniable. Colonial legacy, ethnic diversity, military rule, and the resource curse have all shaped the country's political landscape. Understanding and acknowledging this historical context is crucial for developing effective political reforms, promoting national unity, and addressing the challenges that Nigeria faces.

Moving forward, it is essential for Nigeria to strive for inclusive governance, strengthen democratic institutions, and foster a sense of national identity that transcends ethnic divisions. By learning from history and implementing meaningful reforms, Nigeria can build a more robust and progressive country.

Advantages of the Effect of History on Nigeria's Political System:

1. Cultural Identity: History helps to preserve and promote Nigeria's rich cultural heritage, providing a sense of identity and pride among its citizens. It allows Nigerians to understand their roots, traditions, and values, which can contribute to a stronger national identity and social cohesion.

2. Political Awareness and Engagement: History creates political awareness by highlighting past struggles, achievements, and injustices. It enables citizens to analyze and understand the political system, empowering them to participate actively in democratic processes, advocate for change, and hold leaders accountable.

3. Lessons for Decision-Making: History offers valuable lessons and insights into past political events and their consequences. Decision-makers can draw on historical experiences to make informed choices, avoid repeating mistakes, and adopt effective strategies for governance, policy-making, and conflict resolution.

4. Social Justice and Equality: Understanding historical events and their impact on different social groups can promote social justice and equality. It can inspire policies and initiatives aimed at addressing historical injustices, reducing discrimination, and promoting inclusivity in Nigeria's political system.

5. Policy Formulation: Historical analysis provides a basis for policy formulation and implementation. By studying the outcomes of past policies, governments can design more effective and contextually appropriate policies that address the needs and aspirations of the Nigerian population.

Disadvantages of the Effect of History on Nigeria's Political System:

1. Divisiveness and Ethnic Politics: Historical divisions and conflicts based on ethnic, religious, and regional identities can perpetuate division and hinder national unity. Ethnic politics, driven by historical grievances and power struggles, can impede effective governance and lead to political instability.

2. Historical Injustices and Resentment: Past injustices, such as colonization and ethnic rivalries, can create deep-seated resentment and grievances that continue to affect Nigeria's political system. Unresolved historical issues may fuel intergroup tensions, hinder reconciliation efforts, and impede the establishment of a harmonious and inclusive society.

3. Selective Memory and Historical Manipulation: History can be subject to manipulation, distortion, and selective memory, particularly in the political sphere. Political actors may exploit historical narratives to further their own agendas, reinforce divisions, or downplay their roles in past injustices.

4. Overemphasis on History at the Expense of Future-oriented Solutions: Excessive focus on historical events and grievances can hinder forward-looking solutions and prevent the country from addressing pressing contemporary challenges. It is essential to strike a balance between understanding history and focusing on present needs and future aspirations.

5. Resistance to Change: Historical legacies, cultural norms, and entrenched interests can create resistance to change within Nigeria's political system. Efforts to reform institutions, promote transparency, and combat corruption may face resistance from those benefiting from the status quo, perpetuating systemic inefficiencies and inequality.


The effect of history on Nigeria's political system brings both advantages and disadvantages. While history plays a crucial role in shaping identity, political awareness, and decision-making, it can also perpetuate divisions, historical injustices, and resistance to change. To harness the benefits of history while mitigating its drawbacks, Nigeria must foster inclusive governance, promote social justice, and strike a balance between addressing historical grievances and focusing on building a prosperous and united nation