Kim Jong UN Will Be Visiting Russia

SO, Kim Jong UN will be visiting Russia. Yes, it’s happening. And the pro-western countries in the region are already shitting in their pants. 
The west/their media machinery have been condescendingly claiming that Russia is begging for weapons from Kim, and I ask: what’s wrong with that? Japan & South Korea have been sending weapons to Ukraine for use by their western allies, from day one. Literally every country in Europe has maintained an endless stream of weapons shipment to Ukraine since the start of the war, to an end most of them are now bankrupt. Don’t even talk about my AMERICA and the insane amount of money they’ve spent on weapons shipped to Ukraine. And there’s no letting up. Other than Belarus or probably one or two other allies, Russia for the most part has just been relying on their weapons manufacturing capacity, being that they’re one of the world’s biggest weapons manufacturers. But no matter your weapons manufacturing capacity, you can never rely on what you have alone to face the number of nations that have teamed up to fight Russia through Ukraine in this senseless proxy war. You need allies! And if North Korea is the ally, your opponents should be worried, for so many reasons. 

Yes, North Korea will likely support Russia with light weapons and stuff, but it won’t be for nothing. Russia is a big brother to both China, North Korea and most of the guys in that region, militarily. They owe so much of what they know, do and own militarily to Russia. Russian has a lot of military tech to transfer to North Korea and the opportunity to end North Korea’s age long isolation by the west has just presented itself, given that North Korea is about the most sanctioned country on earth - and they could care less. There’s no way North Korea won’t jump on this and they’ll likely put their pro-western Southern neighbors in their place 

Keep in mind, the US has an impressive presence and in their South Korean base, and it’s been there for ages. Since there’s now a proxy war between the US/west and Russia through Ukraine, do you not see that courting North Korea is a master stroke? North Korea is literally a military nation with nuclear and all kinds of weapons begging to be deployed. There’s a good reason why South Korea is always catching cold whenever North Korea coughs. Trump saw the danger of losing North Korea to a potential foe and he made a smart move to court them first. And the mainstream media which works for the criminals that run the unipolar world literally tore him to shreds. Today, his worst nightmare has come through and I believe these are some of the reasons Trump became emotional at a recent event. 

Biden has buried AMERICA and all you hear from the media is praises. Imagine if Trump was the one making gaffes every time he opened his mouth. Imagine if he was the one always losing his way and wandering off on stage and talking about unrelated stuff due to cognitive decline. Imagine what CNN and the mainstream media would’ve done to him. 

Well, this has just happened and it’ll be added to the list of the many losses of the United States of America, under Joseph R. Biden. Like they did after losing Saudi Arabia, and other key allies to BRICS, (even though North Korea was never an ally), who knows? Maybe they’ll soon be sending senior State Department Officials to North Korea, to try to convince Kim Russia is bad and USA is “better in bed.” So sad. 

Good on Russia!

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